
Harmonia Deluxe Greens


ABO friendly green drink with added antioxidants


Harmonia Deluxe Greens provides an all-natural alternative to processed foods. Ingredients include a wide variety of sprouted seeds and grasses with nutritional integrity and enzymatic activity. The mix also contains antioxidant rich foods such as elderberry, cherry and blueberry, plus phytonutrients such as ginseng and ginger.


The term “green” substances refer to a category of products defined as containing high levels of chlorophyll, which gives them their color. The best “super green” sources are either marine algae or cereal grasses.

Chlorella is fresh water, single-celled algae. It is rich in protein (57- 60%), carotenoids, chlorophyll, RNA-DNA, minerals, B vitamins (huge amounts of vitamin B-12) and vitamin E. Chlorella has abundant amounts of vitamin K, important in blood clotting and is rich in Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). It has been estimated that up to 20% of the EFAs found in Chlorella are of the Omega-3 variety. As with Spirulina, Chlorella is an abundant source of enzymes and antioxidants. Unlike Spirulina, the blue pigment causing phycocyanin is not present.

It is easy to extrapolate from Chlorella’s constituent ingredients to its therapeutic applications. Chlorella has strong effects on the immune system and related processing of toxic elements. Some studies have shown that Chlorella can elevate interferon levels and so may have anti-cancer or anti-tumor potential. Chlorella binds well with heavy metals, pesticides and other carcinogens and facilitates their removal from the body.

Barley Grass (from Hordeum vulgare) Leaf Juice Powder.  Barley Grass is full of Phenolic compounds that act as anti-oxidants. (11)

Sour Cherry (from Prunus cerasus) Fruit Powder.  Scientists found that the same chemicals that give tart cherries their color may relieve pain better than aspirin and ibuprofen. Cherries also may provide antioxidant protection comparable to commercially available supplements like vitamin E and vitamin C. The report appeared in the February edition of Journal of Natural Products, published by the American Chemical Society.

Beet (from Beta vulgaris) Root Juice Powder.  Beets have been shown to be a good source of dietary phenolic antioxidant compounds. (12)

Blueberry (from Vaccinium angustifolium) Fruit Powder.  The blueberry has many phytochemicals, or disease preventing substances, to help prevent disease. One of the phytochemicals is anthocyanin, the compound that gives blueberries their pigment. As evidenced by their deep blue color, blueberries have high levels of anthocyanins. In addition to functioning as very effective antioxidants, researchers suggest that anthocyanins also help to prevent urinary tract infections.

American Elder (from Sambucus canadensis) Flower Powder.  American Elder has a long history of use in traditional medicine. One notable constituent found in this plant is flavonoids. Traditionally these flowers have been used as a diuretic and a diaphoretic. These actions combined with the antioxidant properties of the flavonoids make for a great addition to any green drink. (13, 14)

Acerola (Malpighia glabra) Fruit Powder.  Also known as Barbados Cherry has been shown to contain phenolic compounds which have anti-oxidant affects.  This fruit along with others have been shown to increase the expression of other anti-oxidant compounds such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase-1, and manganese superoxide dismutase in HEK-293 cells. (15)

Larch Arabinogalatin.  Larch has been shown to increase the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA’s), principally butyrate and propionate. These special fatty acids are critically important for the health of the colon. Larch has also been shown to modulation Natural Killer Cell and Macrophage activity via interferon gamma, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) and IL-6. (16, 17, 18, 19, 20)

Rose Hips (Rosa canina) Fruit Powder.  The fruit from Rose Hips have been shown to contain flavonoids and phenolics both of which have antioxidant properties. (21)

Flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum) Meal.  Flaxseed meal is simply ground flaxseeds. Once ground these seeds release their oils. Regular supplementation with Flaxseed Oil can help increase the body’s production of energy and improve stamina. (22) Flaxseed Oil has been shown to ease weight loss in people afflicted with central obesity. (23)

Kelp (from Laminaria hyberborea) Dried Leaf Powder.  Kelp is a brown algae rich in minerals especially iodine. It also provides high levels of B vitamins, vitamins E and K and Fucoidan, a polysaccharide. Kelp traditionally has been used to treat hair loss, problems with skin, nails, sensory nerves and brain tissue. It may also act as a laxative. As a rich source of iodine, it helps support thyroid function, assists in the treatment of hypothyroidism, goiter and metabolic disorders (an underactive thyroid has been implicated in obesity). As a source of fucoidan, kelp may prove to have strong antitumor properties.

Ginger (from Zingiber officinale) Root Powder.  The applicable parts of ginger are the rhizome and root. Ginger contains active constituents known as gingerol, gingerdione, and shogaol. These constituents seem to have a variety of pharmacological properties including antipyretic, analgesic, anti-tussive, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antibiotic, weak antifungal, and other properties. (24, 25)

Ginger is sometimes used for inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Some researchers speculate that certain constituents of ginger might inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase pathways. (26) It also seems to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) and thromboxane B2 (TXB2), which mediate inflammation. (27)

Eleuthero (from Eleatherococcus senticosus) Root.  This herb is also known as Siberian ginseng. The applicable parts of Siberian ginseng are the root and leaf. The root, which is most commonly used, contains active compounds referred to as eleutherosides A through M. (28) Eleutheroside B (syringin) and eleutheroside E (syringaresinol) are the most plentiful and are used as marker compounds for Siberian ginseng products. (29) The eleutherosides include a variety of diverse compounds including saponins (daucosterol, betasitosterol, hederasaponin B), coumarins (isofraxidin), lignans (sesamin, syringaresinol), phenylpropanoids (syringin, caffeic acid, sinapyl alcohol, coniferyl aldehyde, protocatechuic acid), betulinic acid, vitamin E, and provitamins like beta-carotene. Siberian ginseng root, the lignin constituent sesamin, and the phenylpropanoid syringin seem to have immunostimulatory effects.

Parsley (from Petruselium crispum) Leaf Powder.  Petroselinum crispun leaf (Parsley) has active anti-periodic properties that have been ascribed to its apiol content. It is also a nerve stimulant and can help to control excessive night sweats. (30)

Dandelion (from Taraxacum officinale) Leaf Powder.  Taraxacum has been shown to have diuretic activity, stimulating the loss of excess water and promoting weight loss. Much of the weight loss activity is thought to be a result of Taraxacum’s significant diuretic activity, since, in experimental research on mice, an aqueous extract of the leaf of Taraxacum was shown to have diuretic activity comparable to furosemide (Lasix). (31) However, since Taraxacum is also a rich source of potassium, capable of replacing potassium lost through diuresis, it is not associated with the side-effects of furosemide, such as hepatic coma and circulatory collapse. (32)

Blueberry Juice
Beet Juice
Elder flowers(Sambucus spp.)

TABLE 1: Key agents in Harmonia Deluxe Greens.


Harmonia Deluxe is among many other things, a simple way to get more live greens into the diet when it may be otherwise impractical to do so. Many practitioners, researchers and experts have argued that the benefit of green products derives from their rich profile of phytonutrients. “Green foods” are rich in antioxidants (compounds that protect cells from a number of toxic elements), chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and protein.

It is important to note that a significant portion of the value of “green foods” is determined by its chlorophyll content. It is believed that chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green pigments in greens, is remarkably similar to hemoglobin found in human blood cells. Further, it has been suggested that if enough iron is consumed with chlorophyll, hemoglobin will result. Other researchers point to the fact that chlorophyll rich plants are abundant sources of naturally occurring vitamin K. The fat-soluble chlorophyll found in green supplements is the ideal way to obtain vitamin K. Vitamin K is important in blood clotting, the treatment of osteoporosis and is a protective agent against toxins and while undergoing chemotherapy. It is therefore vital that chlorophyll is consumed as part of “green foods” and not in its isolated water-soluble form found on many store shelves. Chlorophyll is also important in the treatment of infections, wounds, constipation and cancer.

In general, “green foods,”—in particular barley greens—provide:

  • A substance to actually stimulate repair of the DNA molecule
  • A protein with strong anti-inflammatory qualities
  • Substances that reduced hypercholesterolemia
  • Substances that resulted in an anti-ulcer effect
  • Components de-activate mutagenic and carcinogenic substances
  • Super oxide dismutase (SOD) an extremely powerful ‘antiaging’ antioxidant, an anti- inflammatory enzyme and cancer preventive enzyme
  • A powerful antioxidant, 2’-0-GlV, more effective than vitamin E
  • Substances which help to inhibit platelet activating factor
  • Substances which protect the blood vessels from damage
  • Modulates prolactin and growth hormone
  • Most green complexes degrade a variety of pesticides


One tablespoon added to a favorite juice or water daily is the suggested dose.


This product was specifically designed for NAP in 2000.


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