
Proberry 3 Liquid


Elderberry complex with synergistic fruit extracts


Proanthocyanidins are a class of flavonoids responsible for the red to blue/purple colors of most berries, cherries, grapes and some flowers. These compounds are capable of increasing intracellular levels of vitamin C, improving capillary stability, quenching free radicals, inhibiting the destruction of collagen, inactivating microbial enzymes used to spread infection, blocking microbial adhesion to cells, and normalizing polysaccharide synthesis in the ground substance between cells.

Plant anthocyanidins such as those found in elderberry, cherries and other pigmented fruits and vegetables have been shown to block the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) that is responsible for the production of polyamines, growth factors, which can be problematic when, found in the body in excessive amounts. Hence the use of pigmented fruits and vegetables can be a valuable method to enhance systemic detoxification.

Elderberry in particular is beneficial in preventing the spread of viral influenza, as it blocks neuraminidase, the enzyme made by the flu virus that allows it to attach to the tissues of the nose and throat. This syrup is pleasant tasting and a hit with children.


A fragrant, flowering tree, Elderberry gets its name from the Anglo-Saxon word “aeld” meaning “fire.” Inside young elder branches is a hollow tube or pipe. Presumably, these tubes were once used to blow on a fire in order to encourage the flames. The elder has a rich background of cultural superstitions. The Russians believed that elder trees ward off evil spirits. It was considered good luck to plant a tree near your home. Sicilians thought that elder wood branches could kill snakes and drive away thieves. Elderberry was first discovered by the Egyptians who found that applying its flowers to the skin improved the complexion and healed burns. Many early Indian tribes made tea from elderberry for its effectiveness in preventing colds and relieving toothaches. In the 17th century, the British often drank homemade elderberry wine believing it to prolong life and cure the common cold.

Pear Juice Concentrate.  Pear juice was added into this formula for the pro-anthocyanidin content. Recent studies show that the skin of pears contain the highest quantity of phytonutrients including; antioxidants, flavonoids, and cinnamic acid. (36)

Elderberry Juice Concentrate.  Elderberry Fruit contains several flavonoids. The primary flavonoids are anthocyanidins called cyanidin 3-glucoside and cyaniding 3-sambubioside. Elderberries also contain rutin, isoquertin, and hyperoside. (16, 17) Elderberry also contains 3% tannins and essential oil. (16-18) The major protein of elder is a lectin called Sambucus nigra agglutinin IVf. (19) The elderberry anthocyanidins are thought to have immunomodulating effects and possibly anti-inflammatory effects. (20) Elderberry extract has both antiviral and immunomodulating effects. Elderberry extract also inhibits hemagglutinin activity and replication of several strains of influenza viruses A and B. (21) Elderberry also seems to increase production of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukins and tumor necrosis factor. (22)

Blueberry Juice Concentrate.  Blueberry Fruit is high in fiber and vitamin C. Blueberries also contain anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, which appear to have antioxidant activity. (23-25) Ethyl acetate extracts of blueberry fruit inhibit ornithine decarboxylase, which is a key enzyme in tumor progression. (26) Preliminary research from animal models suggests that the antioxidant effects of blueberry extracts might have anticancer activity and potentially reduce normal oxidative cellular damage that occurs with aging. (26-28) Blueberry, like its relative, the cranberry, also appears to prevent bacterial adhesion to the bladder and bacterial colonization. (29-30)

Cherry Juice Concentrate.  Black Cherry Fruit has several health benefits, which include a high iron and alkaline count. It can alkalize and mineralize blood and is able to neutralize the organism’s acids. It has laxative qualities and is recommended against anemia due to its high iron content. (31-35)

Red Raspberry Juice Concentrate.  Red Raspberry juice was added into this formula for the pro-anthocyanidin content. (37)

Blueberry Juice
Elderberry Juice
Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
Pear Juice
Cherry Juice

TABLE 1: Key agents in Proberry 3 Liquid.


Polyamine regulation

Elderberries (and pigmented anti-oxidants in general) inhibit the formation of polyamines, a class of proteins by blocking the actions of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase.

Polyamines are essential for the maintenance of the high metabolic activity of a normal functioning and healthy body. In addition to the intestine, all other organs of the body require polyamines for their growth, renewal and metabolism. So, the first thing to realize when we consider the role of polyamines in the body is that they are widespread, ubiquitous, and essential in proper amounts for health and wellness.

Problems arise when polyamine levels increase to levels where their effects on growth and metabolism begin to cause problems. The concentration of polyamines inside the cell is tightly regulated. The range of cellular polyamine concentration is determined at the lower limit by their absolute requirement for cell growth, and at the upper limit by their potential toxicity.

Polyamines are both synthesized in the body and are also derived from the diet, either in the form of foods that are in themselves high in polyamines, or by the action of the bacteria in the gut, synthesizing polyamines from dietary amino acids. These two methods are called ‘exogenous’ (outside manufacture by gut bacteria) and ‘endogenous’ (inside manufacture by the liver and other organs.)

When manufactured by the body, polyamines are derived from the amino acid ornithine, through the actions of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase, or ODC. Almost all tissues can manufacture polyamines, but the liver makes the vast majority of them.


Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC)

ODC the first enzyme in the biosynthesis of polyamines in all mammal cells. It is also called the ‘rate limiting’ enzyme, because it lies at a choke point by which you can control the production of other polyamines by controlling ODC. In essence: lots of ODC, lots of polyamines; and vice versa.

The control over ODC (and consequently over polyamines) is very exquisite and precise. Cell growth and differentiation are dependent on precise control of the levels of polyamines inside the cell. ODC is one of those ephemeral enzymes that don’t last very long in the cell: protein-splitting enzymes degrade it very rapidly. This is known as a ‘half-life,’ which is just the amount of time for the original amount of a chemical in the body to drop by half. The half-life of ODC is one of the shortest known for any enzyme in any species of mammal, and which gives the cell a way to rapidly change polyamine synthesis.


Polyamines and cancer

Since polyamines make cells grow, it should seem logical that cells that grow a lot require more polyamines than ones that do not. This is certainly the case with cancer cells, which are voracious consumers of polyamines, and in fact, the strategy of ‘polyamine deprivation’ shows great promise as a new horizon in cancer treatment, especially cancers which are in themselves hormonally sensitive, such as prostate and breast cancer.

Many new anti-cancer drugs are being prepared which block the ability of cancer cells to benefit from polyamines. By and large, these drugs work by inhibiting the enzyme that synthesizes polyamines, ornithine decarboxlase (ODC). One in particular, alphadifluoromethylornithine (DFMO), shows promise in prostate cancer.

In addition to inhibition by pigmented anthocyanidins (such as those found in Proberry) polyamine inhibition via the blocking of ornithine decarboxylase is thought to be the basic mechanism behind the anticancer effects of green tea polyphenols.



People taking the elderberry were able to produce higher anti-hemagglutination titers to influenza B (meaning their immune system essentially performed better and they now have a higher level of recognition should this “flu” return). And, elderberry inhibits neuraminidase (yes, that is the same neuraminidase that scientists are spending millions of dollars designing drugs against). (Editor’s note: Zanamivir to an extent duplicates this neuraminidase blocking ability of elderberry but does not appear to have elderberry’s beneficial impact on the immune system). In experiments, elderberry actually does inhibit replication of all strains of human influenza (both A and B) viruses tested.

In actual placebo-controlled, double blind studies an extract of elderberry fruit has been shown to be effective for treating influenza B. What this research showed was that people using the elderberry extract got better much quicker (more than 70% were better after 2 days and over 90% of people completely resolved the infection within 3 days). In contrast, the people given a placebo often needed as much as 6 days to feel well.



Proberry 3 Liquid for type B’s and AB’s are highly recommended because of their general susceptibility to the influenza virus, but any type can use the formulas to great benefit.


1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily for adults and less for children depending upon their body weight. Large doses can cause nausea.


Proberry 3 Liquid was introduced by NAP in 1998 after first being specifically designed for use in the D’Adamo clinic.


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