NP053 DetoxiCal-DTAGS: DETOXIFICATION | ENDOCRINE | IMMUNITY | ONCOLOGY SUPPORT | WOMENS HEALTH Supports detoxification and healthy liver function INTRODUCTION The body’s detoxification systems have a daily demand placed upon them by both external and internal pollutants. For those whose systems carry the burden of additional demand, specialized nutrition may be helpful. DetoxiCal-D is a unique blend of three synergistic ingredients: Calcium combined with Glucaric acid to form calcium D-glucarate, and the botanical Phyllanthus amarus. Glucaric acid is found in small amounts in our bodies and in fruits and vegetables. Calcium D-glucarate is a form of glucaric acid, which is utilized in the body to enhance the process by which the body rids itself of potentially dangerous environmental pollutants, including foreign organic compounds, fat-soluble toxins and excess steroid hormones such as estrogen. DESCRIPTION/ BACKGROUND DetoxiCal-D comprises essentially two synergistic ingredients: Glucaric acid. Even though calcium is listed first by itself in the Supplement Facts Box, it is a part of Calcium D-Glucarate, the first ingredient. Glucaric acid is combined with calcium to form calcium D-glucarate. Glucaric acid is found in tissues and body fluids. Glucaric acid is also found in foods such as fruits and vegetables including oranges, apples, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage. (1,2) Dietary sources provide from 1.12-1.73 mg/100 grams (broccoli and potatoes) to a high of 4.53 mg/100 grams (oranges). (1) There is a lot of interest in using calcium D-glucarate for preventing estrogen-related cancer such as breast cancer and other hormone-related cancers. Calcium D-glucarate is thought to decrease estrogen levels by affecting estrogen’s elimination. Estrogen is normally metabolized hepatically in phase II metabolism by combining with glucuronic acid. It’s then excreted in the bile, but a bacterial enzyme in the intestine called beta-glucuronidase normally breaks the estrogen-glucuronide bond, allowing estrogen to be reabsorbed. Calcium D-glucarate works at this step by inhibiting beta-glucuronidase. Blocking this enzyme is thought to decrease the amount of estrogen that is reabsorbed and lower circulating estrogen levels. There is some evidence that beta- glucuronidase activity might be increased in patients with hormone-dependent cancers like breast and prostate cancer. (3,4) Dietary glucarate can inhibit beta-glucuronidase activity and inhibits animal models of mammary tumor development. (5) In vitro, D-glucarate decreases tumor cell proliferation. (6) Urinary excretion of D-glucaric acid may be an indicator of drug metabolizing enzyme activity in people with impaired renal function. (7) Phyllanthus amarus leaf. The applicable part of the plant is the leaf. The principal constituents phyllanthine (bitter constituent) and hypophyllanthine (non-bitter compound) are isolated from the leaves. Phyllanthus contains these two lignans, as well as alkaloids, bioflavonoids (e.g., quercetin and catechin) and geraniin, a tannin which is an in vitro anti-viral agent. While it remains unknown as to whether all of these ingredients have an anti-viral effect, research shows that this herb acts primarily on the liver. This action in the liver confirms its historical use as a remedy for jaundice. Older studies published in India were reportedly conducted with Phyllanthus niruri, which is thought to be indigenous to the West Indies. (8) A report from India mentions Phyllanthus niruri is a synonym for Phyllanthus amarus (9); however, although these appear to be different species they have similar effects. (10,11) Phyllanthus niruri, is also known as Chanca piedra, which is thought to have multiple properties: antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericidal, antipyretic and diuretic. It is also thought that chanca piedra reduces blood sugar and protects the liver; however, not all of these properties are supported by scientific evidence. (12) In vitro, the constituent niuriside, inhibits specific HIV-protein binding activity, but does not protect cells from acute HIV infection. (13) Preliminary studies in humans show Phyllanthus amarus, has diuretic, hypotensive and hypoglycemic effects. (14)
TABLE 1: Key agents in DetoxiCal-D. Supports Healthy Hormone Levels and Healthy Liver Function The body’s detoxification systems have a daily demand placed upon them by both external and internal pollutants. For those whose systems carry the burden of additional demand, specialized nutrition may be helpful. Detoxical is a unique blend of three synergistic ingredients: Calcium combined with Glucaric acid to form calcium D-Glucarate, and the botanical Phyllanthus. Glucaric acid is found in small amounts in our bodies and in fruits and vegetables. Calcium D-glucarate is a form of glucaric acid, which is utilized in the body to enhance the process of glucuronidation, a process by which the body rids itself of potentially dangerous pollutants, including foreign organic compounds, fat-soluble toxins and excess steroid hormones such as estrogen. Because of the activity of both components in DetoxiCal-D, this product could well be worthy of consideration for use in cases of estrogen dependent cancers, Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification, and hepatoprotective efforts. With research showing Calcium D-Glucarates potential to decrease the amount of estrogen that is reabsorbed and lower circulating estrogen levels, and Phyllanthus amarus’ potential to assist with elimination through the liver, protect the liver and affect tumor proliferation, here lies a very novel formula for dealing with these issues. TYPICAL DOSAGE Typical dose is 1-2 capsules twice daily taken away from food. PRODUCT HISTORY This product was introduced by NAP in 2004 after first being specifically designed for use in The D’Adamo Clinic. REFERENCES