
CLA Oil Blend Liquid


Helps maintain optimal weight


Designed to offset metabolic thrifty tendencies by enhancing muscle growth and increasing insulin sensitivity, CLA Oil Blend Liquid Formula supplies Conjugated Linoleic Acid—the best lipid source for this activity.

CLA was discovered accidentally in 1979 by researchers looking for carcinogens in beef. Surprised by their discovery that beef extract reduced tumor genesis by 20%, it took another eight years for researcher Micheal Pariza to isolate the compound responsible for this powerful oncoprotective effect. (1) Found naturally in grass-fed beef and dairy products, CLA has been shown to protect cells from oxidative damage by increasing glutathione levels without inducing lipid peroxidation. (2)


CLA Oil Blend Liquid comprises five synergistic botanicals and nutrients:

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid, which is found preferentially in dairy products and meat. Preliminary studies indicate that CLA possesses a powerful protective effect against carcinogenesis. This effect has been observed in animal models of breast carcinogenesis even when CLA intake is limited to the period between weaning and complete maturation of adult breast tissue. Of the many naturally occurring substances that have demonstrated oncoprotective activity in experimental models, the vast majority are of plant origin. Conjugated Linoleic Acid is unique due to its presence in animal food sources and its anticancer efficacy at concentrations close to human consumption levels (0.1-1% of the total diet). (3)

Meta-analyses of the relevant data on CLA in humans revealed that, given at a dose of 3.2 grams per day, it produces a moderate loss in body fat and a rapid, mild increase in lean mass (4,5).

Walnut Oil (from Juglans regia). Juglans regia is one of the most widely used tree nuts in the world. Walnuts generally have many specific health claims but J. regia is being used in this formula for its high omega 3 to 6 ratio. (17) The polyunsaturated fatty acids, along with other constituents (vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants) in J. regia, have been found to have health benefits for patients suffering from obesity and Type II Diabetes. (18)

TonalinâTG80 Conjugated Linoleic Acid (from Carthamus tinctorius). The CLA that makes up Tonalin is extracted from the Safflower plant (Carthamus tinctorius). This CLA formula contains the Triglyceride form, which is composed of an equal mixture of the c9, t11, c12 and t10 isomers. Tonalin contains 75-84% of these isomers. CLA has been shown to reduce whole body weight, adipose tissue, decrease serum triglyceride levels, and a suppression of the sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) gene in mice. (16)

Macadamia Nut Oil (from Macadamia tetraphylla). Besides from the aromatic taste of macadamia nuts, M. tetraphylla is being used in this formula for its effects on improving lipid profiles in humans.  The oil from M. tetraphylla has been shown to attenuate hypertrophy of adipocytes and reduce inflammation. (19)

Rosemary Extract (from Rosmarinus officinalis). Rosemary officinalis is use in the culinary world for its vast flavors and aromatic properties.  While it has long been known that Rosemary contains some essential minerals and vitamins, most people are unaware of its use for weight management. Rosemary leaves have been shown to attenuate inflammation in diabetic induced rats. (20) Rosemary officinalis flavonoids have been shown to act as a dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor which is a major mechanism of action in certain diabetic medications. (21)

Walnut Oil
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Conjugated linolenic acid
Macadamia Oil

TABLE 1: Key agents in CLA Oil Blend Liquid.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has been shown in many studies to reduce total fat mass and increase or preserve muscle tissue. In a recent research project, investigators observed an average reduction of six pounds of body fat in the people who took 3.4 grams per day of CLA for three months, compared to a placebo group. (6) CLA has been shown to decrease abdominal fat and may increase insulin sensitivity in normal weight individuals. (7,8) CLA also enhances the immune system. (9) Beneficial effects of CLA include:

  1. Increases metabolic rate - Beneficial for all looking to lose fat mass, this effect would also be of benefit to hypothyroid patients, as even treated hypothyroidism can reduce metabolic rate (10)
  2. Decreases abdominal fat - Adrenal imbalances and hormonal shifts that are increasingly common in today’s world of xenobiotic toxins and endocrine disruptors often lead to rapid accumulation of abdominal fat, which is associated with many increased health risks. Any nutrient that can prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat is therefore all the more essential (11)
  3. Enhances muscle growth - Increased lean mass leads to a higher basal metabolic rate and increased fat metabolism throughout the body, which is very useful in weight loss and maintenance (12)
  4. Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels - Because classically endomorphic phenotypes often present with elevated blood lipid levels resistant to treatment, CLA’s ability to modulate these levels in potentially beneficial ways is likely to have an equally positive impact on these patients’ cardiovascular health (13)
  5. Improves insulin sensitivity - Insulin resistance is an increasingly common risk in a society where nearly 60% of the population have an unhealthy body fat percentage. Reducing fat mass into the healthy range can help prevent Type II Diabetes and facilitate weight control (14)
  6. Reduces severity of allergic reactions - Because allergies can play a role in weight management, especially in cases of persistent difficulty with fat loss, the anti-inflammatory role of CLA in modulating immune response to allergens can be of especial benefit in such patients (15)


Typical dose is 1 Teaspoon daily or as directed by your physician. 1 teaspoon = approximately 5 capsules of the old CLA Formula


This product was reformulated by NAP in 2014 after being specifically designed for use at the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine.


  1. Ha YL, Grimm NK, Pariza MW. Anticarcinogens from fried ground beef: heat-altered derivatives of linoleic acid. Carcinogen- esis. 1987 Dec;8(12):1881-7.
  2. Andreoli MF, et al. Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid at high-fat levels on triacylglycerol regulation in mice. Nutrition. 2009 Apr;25(4):445-52.
  3. Ip C, Scimeca JA, Thompson HJ. Conjugated linoleic acid. A powerful anticarcinogen from animal fat sources. Cancer. 1994 Aug 1;74(3 Suppl):1050-4.
  4. Whigham LD, Watras AC, Schoeller DA. Efficacy of conjugated linoleic acid for reducing fat mass: a meta-analysis in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 May;85(5):1203-11.
  5. Schoeller DA, Watras AC, Whigham LD. A meta-analysis of the effects of conjugated linoleic acid on fat-free mass in humans. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2009 Oct;34(5):975-8.
  6. Blankson H, et al. Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat mass in overweight and obese humans. J Nutr. 2000 Dec;130(12):2943-8.
  7. Risérus U, Berglund L, Vessby B. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) reduced abdominal adipose tissue in obese middle-aged men with signs of the metabolic syndrome: a randomised controlled trial. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Aug;25(8):1129-35.
  8. Eyjolfson V, Spriet LL, Dyck DJ. Conjugated linoleic acid improves insulin sensitivity in young, sedentary humans. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004 May;36(5):814-20.
  9. Larsen AE, Crowe TC. Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on myogenic and inflammatory responses in a human primary muscle and tumor coculture model. Nutr Cancer. 2009;61(5):687-95.
  10. Kamphuis MM, et al. The effect of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation after weight loss on body weight regain, body composition, and resting metabolic rate in overweight subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003 Jul;27(7):840-7.
  11. See Risérus U, supra.
  12. See Kamphuis MM, supra.
  13. Agueda M, Zulet MA, Martínez JA. [Effect of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on human lipid profile]. Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2009 Sep;59(3):245-52. Spanish.
  14. See Eyjolfson V, supra.
  15. Turpeinen AM, et al. Immunological and metabolic effects of cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid in subjects with birch pollen allergy. Br J Nutr. 2008 Jul;100(1):112-9.
  16. Kim, J., Pan, J., Park, H., Yoon, H., Kwon, O., Kim, T., . . . Kim, Y. (2010). Functional comparison of esterified and free forms of conjugated linoleic acid in high-fat-diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(21), 11441-11447. doi:10.1021/jf102164j
  17. Jackson, C., & Hu, F. (2014). Long-term associations of nut consumption with body weight and obesity. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 408S-411S. doi:10.3945/ajcn.113.071332
  18. Hayes, D., Angove, M., Tucci, J., & Dennis, C. (2015). Walnuts (Juglans regia) Chemical Composition and Research in Human Health. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
  19. Lima, E., LS, S., Masi, L., Crisma, A., Davanso, M., Souza, G., . . . Rosa Neto, J. (2014). Macadamia oil supplementation attenuates inflammation and adipocyte hypertrophy in obese mice. Mediators of Inflammation. doi:10.1155/2014/870634
  20. Nazem, F., Farhangi, N., & Neshat-Gharamaleki, M. (2015). Beneficial Effects of Endurance Exercise with Rosmarinue officials Labiatae Leaves Extract on Blood Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Lipid Peroxidation in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 39(3), 229-234. doi:10.1016/j.jcjd.2014.11.003
  21. Bower, A., Hernandez, L., Berhow, M., & Gonzalez de Mejia, E. (2014). Bioactive compounds from culinary herbs inhibit a molecular target for type 2 diabetes management, Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(26), 6147–6158-6147–6158. doi:10.1021/jf500639f

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